Welcome to TCITrainer.com!

Licensed Trainer Database and Resources

If you're looking for a licensed interpreter trainer, you've found the right place! At Cross-Cultural Communications, we license trainers to teach our medical, community and legal interpreting programs, as well as cultural competence. We're proud to have more than 450 licensed trainers in 43 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, Guam--and six other countries!

And if you're one of our licensed trainers, log in to the Members Only section to access our updated resources.


We have licensed trainers for the following four programs:

- The Community Interpreter International: Our premier 40 to 100-hour, foundation program is the leading international program for training community interpreters in healthcare, education and social services. It is based on the only comprehensive textbook in the world for community interpreting. Taught in universities, colleges and professional development training programs.

- Medical Terminology for Interpreters: A lively, interactive one-day workshop that helps interpreters prepare for medical interpreter certification. Think medical terminology is boring? Then you haven't attended this class!

- The Language of Justice: A ground-breaking curriculum in a hugely needed field. This three-day training teaches the fundamental skills needed to perform legal interpreting outside of the courtroom. This program is essential for assignments such as attorney-client interviews, immigration services, worker's compensation, domestic violence, special education meetings and more.

- Cultural Competence in Health and Human Services: Culture is complex. Cultural barriers are common. This one-day workshop helps both service providers and interpreters serve culturally and linguistically diverse communities by focusing on cultural awareness and effective communication.


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